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Anneke con Devin Townsend

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Anneke con Devin Townsend Empty Anneke con Devin Townsend

Mensaje por sephiroth Mar Abr 28, 2009 6:20 pm

Aun Anneke no lo ha hecho oficial, pero de acuerdo a su twitter y las publicaciones en los foros y sitios de la banda Devin Townsend, estaría grabando con Anneke una version del tema Hyperdrive y otras colaboraciones mas, he aqui una publicacion del vocalista de la banda:

Anneke is coming to Vancouver, we are doing a cover of Hyperdrive on Addicted, as well as lots of duo vox. I LOVE her voice, strong and pitch is great. Shes my age and has a kid too.


I heard Annekes version of Hyperdrive and wanted to do a new female version of it for the album, something about it...I had a dream the other night that I was playing the song, and when I went to the mic, it was her voice. I'm just going to go with it.

I like the male / female vocal thing, but SERIOUS vocals, I'm thinking that Addicted might be the best use of my old voice yet...and to have that juxtaposed by a kick ass female vocalist is suh-weeeet! (am I cool for saying that? ...how about 'mint' ?)

Addicted is like dtb with adult lyrics but it's much heavier actually...

Esperemos como queda esa versión en estudio, y quien sabe? quizas alguna otra sorpresita jejeje:P

Créditos: aguaforum.

Cantidad de envíos : 274
Fecha de inscripción : 17/03/2009
Edad : 38
Localización : Quillota


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Anneke con Devin Townsend Empty Re: Anneke con Devin Townsend

Mensaje por Franneke Mar Abr 28, 2009 9:22 pm

Ahhh qué buena Very Happy *.*
Quiero escuchar cómo quedará eso *.*

Gracias por la info Sephi ^^

Cantidad de envíos : 350
Fecha de inscripción : 17/03/2009
Edad : 38
Localización : Santiago


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